Embrace virtual education – GRASAG GIMPA to students
April 12, 2020
Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). Chapter of Graduate Students’ Association of Ghana (GRASAG). They have called on universities schools and students to accept e-learning education.
According to GRASAG GIMPA, this is able to expand access to education at a reasonable cost. Also to have interaction with students who are forced to take a seat home as a results of the Coronavirus pandemic.
He said the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought closer, possible changes to both academic and economic challenges across the world. It urges all and varied to organize and to form sacrifices so as to reposition academic and economy activities.
Mr. Apetorgbor encouraged Ghanaians to market the virtues of excellent brotherliness.
Also, peace, tolerance and be united because the world seeks God’s protection. This is against the COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed thousands of lives and collapsed businesses worldwide.
He further involved ideas that might support the govt to enhance on its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mr. Apetorgbor reminds folks to follow expert advice by practicing social distancing and washing hands regularly to interrupt the chain of transmitting the virus.
Below is that the full statement:
We the Graduate Students’ Association of Ghana, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) Chapter send regards all students, teachers and the people of Ghana.
This week we celebrate the Lord Jesus , the teacher from Galilee, whose death and resurrection we celebrate as Easter.
The Son of Man didn’t come to be served. But to serve, and to offer His life as a ransom for several .” -Matthew 20:28.
Easter may be a period of renewal, change, growth and covenants kept. We hope you renew yourselves in hope, strength in God and have faith that this Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic are going to be over soon.
This year’s celebration of Easter is happening at a time that the country and therefore the remainder of the planet have had to affect a really difficult pandemic that features a negative effect on our academics and economy and has caused the death of thousands of individuals worldwide.
We must, therefore, be prepared and willing to form sacrifices to reposition our academic and economy.
Embrace virtual education – GRASAG GIMPA to students
We urge you all to recollect in your prayers, friends and family.
Who lost their lives or businesses and people who are hospitalized due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Easter period has also come at a time our academic institutions have suspended classroom teaching and learning thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic which has resulted in additional virtual teaching and learning.
Let us seize the chance and cash in of online teaching and learning and adapt thereto . Virtual teaching and learning is that the wave of the longer term – the benefits are beyond the coronavirus.
We further believe online teaching and learning may be a possible solution to widen access to education at a reasonable cost and bridges capacity gaps.
The flexibility of online delivery enables people to figure and study simultaneously.
Thereby making degrees cheaper and more manageable for a greater range of scholars .
We are therefore calling on tertiary institutions to undergird and embrace e-learning. It could help institutions get more students and extend the frontiers of learning to people that would ordinarily not are ready to attend.
Let us all use this occasion so far another opportunity for promoting the virtues of excellent brotherliness, peace, harmony and tolerance. allow us to stand firmly together in common humanity as we invite the great Lord’s continued protection and blessings.
Finally, we involve ideas which will help the govt improve its response to the present pandemic and encourage all to stay practising social distancing and wash their hands regularly following expert advice.
We wish you all happy Easter celebrations.
Aluta Continua!
Iddrisu Jara