By Elizabeth Esinam Doe
June 11, 2020
There has been a lot of questions without answers. COVID-19 continues to frustrate the contract between the university and we as students of the noble institution. In my opinion, neither the school nor students is to be blamed for a slow progress or halt in our academic lives. Parents are concerned about students welfare and what happens to the academic year not yet completed after COVID 19.
It is important to be reminded that, the SRC whom we as students elected have done so well. About over the months and we appreciate them for that. We say ayeekooo! However, I would like to state categorically that the SRC did not help the student body when the pressing issue. Which was regarding e-learning, online quizzes and assessments as concerned. In my opinion, the SRC didn’t only jeopardize our chance to continue studying and getting assessed. They also toyed with our future. Students in the lower levels that’s (100s to 300s). They continue to stay home and await the President of the republic to determine our fate. While the 400s return to campus and complete the academic year. Mind you the SRC constitute mostly 400s.
The SRC has left us at the mercy of the government while they go back to school and finish the academic year.
This is unacceptable and we cannot stop them from going to school. We can ask them to stop making decisions on our behalf and allow management of the school to make prudent decisions on our behalf. Until a new SRC is elected.
We apologise to management of the university for frustrating them in their attempt to help us. Also in our attempt to stay home and do nothing. Thereby, coming up with many excuses about data, unfavourable network and inconvenience of the e-learning. I appeal to management to forgive us. We are ready to take exams and be assessed via the e-learning platform. Management of the university should please move swiftly into action and effectively commence lectures, quizzes and exams via the e-learning platform.
Also, i would like to remind students who do not have access to proper network connection. And those without smart phones amongst other problems to be reassured that the university would make provision for them to partake in this activity. Moreover, the 20% or less of the student body facing this problem would not hinder the rest 80% to benefit from the e-learning arrangement. In as much as we want you to join us. We cannot wait for you and we’re really sorry for that. We believe management will strategize something for you to also benefit fully from this arrangement.
It’s been 3 months and counting since we left campus for home and we will all truthfully admit that we’ve been very active on social media.
Indeed, on the average, GH20.00 is spent individually on data to navigate social media platforms. This can be channelled to studying via the e-learning platform. If we are to find excuses, we all would find a hundred and one reasons not to engage in e-learning from the comfort of our homes. Also, it would be very prudent therefore to urge each of you to find one strong and convincing reason to engage in e-learning. For me, I believe we can do this with heartfelt conviction and innermost sincerity that this (e-learning) is our best bet right now.
I hope this finds you in good health. Continue keeping safe. Continue adhering to safety precautions. Hopefully when all this is over, we will see each other once more.
Elizabeth Esinam Doe ( Concerned Student)
I think this girl has a mental problem
Lef am
But seriously we are home doing nothing too
I’m just afraid of the pressure we will get when we resume ?????
We need to move on and complete the syllabus. Other universities are almost done. We need to catch up.
I support your proposal 100%
Which one is that. Is the truth she has said ,we’ve been home for almost 3month and nuin has been done ,when most schools are almost don’t with the sem ,ucc has decided to leave their students making us idle,what she has said is the truth it’s time for them to start the online assessment, we are tired and want to move on,I support the proposal 100%,Other universities have their SRC executives supporting them to complete the semester, can u stand the pressure they will give us if we go back ,we beg our life first
It’s a nice suggestion though… reminds me of the parable of the lost son in the Bible (LUKE 15:11)..
I think we should try and finish our semester’s work and be free. Even though there may be challenges but i think we should try and cope with it. We initially thought that it was going to be a month or two but hmm it’s not so and i think we should accept the situation and move on. But that is also not to say that the SRC shouldn’t make decisions on our behalf.
We should continue online studies
Honestly I think we can do this online studies but as students we always want to find flimsy excuses for everything. I think management of the University of Cape Coast should forgive as so that we end the semester at home just like our sister universities are doing. A concerned student.
Do you know ppl who are offline since…. and those who use yam phones? Remember some students take the responsibilities of their parents. Which research have you conducted to show that we spend Ghs20 to navigate social media? I personally haven’t been able to navigate the e – learning platform cos of the phone am using.
How will you see this message and comment? Please let us agree and finish the semester. Thank you
That’s why other schools students who are not able to partake in the online assessment are giving the chance to let management know that they can’t hence give a chance to go to school at the right to complete the semester, these students complaining let them implement this online thing and see the number of people who can’t take part,just a few have genuine reason’s, so pls let’s push for this at the long run u will see that we being at home idle is going to affect us negatively
It would have been good to complete the semester at home but management will have to see to it that all necessary help from their side comes accordingly. In fact, I can’t and won’t pay for the services we’ve already paid for again. Some of us work to fund our acdemics and take care of petty things. They should know more and better. They can’t just force some things on us but we could have agreed if they had come to us in a better way. The pressure, we know it will come and we are ready for it. After they will also be under the same pressure too.?
What research finding gave you the 20% and 80% you included in your write up. See, we have mentally reduced University Education to assessment and passing by all means. We all talking about practical education where every course and programs can be treated to the core. We want an education that will prepare the individual as the certificate and not a piece of A4 paper somewhere. The university education should be able to yield a complete development of the individual. Some of us are science students with practical courses and great number of field work. Can we do this online? It seems we are wanting to pass through the system and call ourselves products of University and that’s all. I support the University idea to allow lecturers to only carry out tutorials online and hold assessment and we are in control of this virus. We are seeing the the so called online assessment in our sister universities and whether it will be prudent to accept such results as genuine. And who says 20% doesn’t matter. The death of a single blackman out unity is changing the USA and other part of the world. But because you are not part of the 20%, it doesn’t matter. Wow. God save as from the hypocrisy of our race.
Yess. Pls our management we need help . We want to continue our elearning program pleaseeeee
How will you see this message and comment? Please let us agree and finish the semester. Thank you
Which one is that. Is the truth she has said ,we’ve been home for almost 3month and nuin has been done ,when most schools are almost don’t with the sem ,ucc has decided to leave their students making us idle,what she has said is the truth it’s time for them to start the online assessment, we are tired and want to move on,I support the proposal 100%,Other universities have their SRC executives supporting them to complete the semester, can u stand the pressure they will give us if we go back ,we beg our life first
I believe what she said is right. We can start our lectures online, assignment and quizzes but I think the online exams should be exempted in the sense that when we get to school, we can be given two weeks to go through our exams before we start our next academic calendar.
Thank you