Private School Teachers Without License Will Be Stop From Teaching
According to the Executive Secretary, Christian Addai Poku. The Teaching Council will ensure that any person who teaches in a private or public school has been certified through the licensure exams.
Christian Addai Poku speaking to Luv News said from their outfit. He is collaborating with proprietors of private schools on a road map to remove unqualified teachers on their payroll.
Therefore, he furthered that it will soon be impossible for private schools to employ teachers. Who have not written the compulsory licensure exams.
The Executive Secretary was addressing the media. When he joined the Education Minister to inspect the first batch of teachers writing this year’s Licensure Exams. Which took place at the St Louis Teacher Training School in Kumasi Sunday.
Collectively, 14,500 candidates sat for this year’s teacher’s licensure exams across the country on Sunday.
In conclusion, the Ghana licensure Teacher Examination (GTLE) expected to have been held in March this year was postponed amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 restrictions.
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