Genuine Facts About The Human Eye – A Must Read
Your eyes are carefully protected. The exposed parts of the eye, not protected by the bony eye sockets, are washed with tears whenever your eyelids blink. Eyelids cover the eyes to protect them from damage, and eyelashes keep dust out.
The front of your eye is kept clean and moist by tears. Tears are produced by tear glands that empty onto the surface of your eye. Every time you blink, tears wash away dirt and dust and kill germs on your eye. The liquid then drains into tear ducts that connect with your nose.
However, the eyes may not work properly for a number of reasons. Fortunately, there are several ways to fix vision problem.
Meanwhile, blind people cannot use their eyes to read. The Braille reading system allows them to read using touch. Instead of written words, Braille uses patterns of raised dots, in groups of up to six, on paper or cardboard. The sensitivity of the fingertips feels the dot patterns and “read” the words.
Moreover, near-sighted people(myopia) cannot see distant objects clearly. Farsighted people (individuals suffering from hyperopia) cannot see objects clearly. In both cases, light is not focused properly inside the eye. Near-sighted and farsighted people can wear glasses or contact lenses to correct their vision.
Again, some people, usually males are colour-blind. This means they cannot differentiate between certain colours. They lack one of the three types of cones(sensors) that detect red, green or blue light. However, if you can see the number five (5) in this pattern of dots, you are not colour-blind.
Also, an increased pressure in the eye caused by fluid build-up in the eye’s anterior chamber leads to a condition called Glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that leads to the gradual degeneration of the cells that make up the optic nerves. Unless the pressure is controlled, it may cause vision loss. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. The best way to control this disease is early detection and treatment before it causes major vision loss.
Some eye defects include conjunctives, dry eye, cataract, macular degeneration, astigmatism, diplopia, retinitis among others.
In addition, as we all hope good eye health, let’s endeavour to avoid reading in poor light and the prolonged exposure to light from mobile phones, computers and television sets. Above all, embark on regular eye check-ups, at least annually. An Early Detection, An Early Treatment!
#HopeInSight #SeeAnOptometrists
Genuine Facts About The Human Eye – A Must Read